Monday, February 9, 2009

Scrapping away

I scrapped almost all weekend including today. I got about 11 layouts done. WEScrap was having an online crop I did 10 layouts for that sight at the moment I sort of feel scrapped out but not really. It felt really good to scrap. I have so much to scrap. In all there was 22 challenges, 5 games and 2 make and takes. Plus I worked this weekend both days so to get that much accomplished was great for me.
The other layout I did was for LifePreservers. I got my layout done so I got to board the boat we are now in Barbados and I am having fun with everyone. I really like the Pina Colada they have here yum.

Know I need to work on this weeks assignment for LP so I can stay onboard and continue the journey with everyone else.

I would have liked to have participated in a challenge that Danielle was doing but I didn't have time trying to do the WEScrap challenges today. Plus I did something new.

One of my things this year is to try some new things so I did I signed up for a quilting class. I have never quilted. The class I am taking is called Turning Twenty. You have to buy 20 different fat quater squares. These squares are cut in 4 different sizes then mixed up around the quilt. Another new item for me is using my sewing machine. We took it out of the box it has only been in the box for about a year. So tonight I was shown how to set up my sewing machine and I also cut my fat quaters in the four different sizes.

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